Fire Emblem Fates Blue and Green Light on Menu Screen
Hi everyone, as promised, here is a guide to understanding the menus for importers who do not read Japanese.
In case this site fails over the next few days, you can view the latest version on my blog. It will update as I progress through the game. My Castle and all that stuff will be included eventually.
If anyone has a 3DS capture card, getting some nice quality screen shots of menus would be super helpful! And if you notice any menus missing after awhile, please notify me and send in a shot (even a picture of the 3DS) if possible.
Regarding Treehouse Live @E3 screenshots, if there is a disparity with the Japanese layout, it will be updated accordingly to match the Japanese one.
Menu Guide --Last Updated 6/24/15
Table of Contents [use CTRL + F to find section below]
- Main Menu [MAI]
- Extras Menu [EXT]
- Selecting Difficulty [DIF]
- Avatar Editing Screen [AVA]
- Save Screen [sAV]
- Choosing a Path [PAT]
- Command Options [COM]
- In-Battle Menu [bAM]
- In-Battle Options Menu
The Character Stats Screen [CHA] Reading Weapon Stats [WPN] Battle Preparation Screen [PRP] Chapter Map / Mission Objectives [MAP] Overworld Map [OVM] Attack Screen [ATK] Victory Screen [VIC] My Castle [MCA]
[MAI] Main Menu
When you first start, there are just two options. Start New Game (left) and Extras (Right).
For when you get the full main menu:
続きから始める - "Continue"
-Selecting will lead you to three more options.
1-章セーブ Chapter Save (From the chapter save)
2-フリーセーブ Free Save (From a Free Save – Casual)
3-中断から再開 From Suspend Point (From a Suspended Game – Classic)
最初から始める - "Start from the Beginning"
-This is to start a new game.
運命の分岐点から - "Start from where fate diverges"
-This is to restart from the decision point
データコピー - "Copy Data"
-Copy a save file. It will lead you to a sub menu, check the "continue" area above, as it is the same menu. It is asking which you want to copy.
データ消去 - "Erase Data"
-Delete a file. -Copy a save file. It will lead you to a sub menu, check the "continue" area above, as it is the same menu. It is asking which you want to erase.
エクストラ - "Extra"
-The "Extras" section. See next section.
[EXT] Extras Menu
When you select "Extra" from the main menu, you are lead to this one. It is incomplete at the moment as I likely have to complete the game before seeing the rest of the options.
通信対戦 Wireless Battle
-Options 1 and 2 require you to set up a team in option 3 first.
1 ローカル対戦 Local Battle
2インターネット対戦 Internet Battle
-Takes you to three more options.
1 – Random Normal Battle
2 – Random Limited Battle
3 – Friend Battle
3チーム編成 Team Formation
-You have 5 Teams you can make. Pushing any will give a mini drop down menu.
1 – Create
2 – View/Check
3 – Erase
4ブラックリスト消法 Clear block list
追加コンテンツ DLC
-Will take you to three menus.
1 – Erase
2 – Individual Download
3 – All Download
いつの間に通信 Streetpass
-Turn either on or off. (Left yes, right no)
プレゼント Presents
-Check to receive presents.
データ全消去 Erase All Data
-Be careful! This is to fully erase all your Fates data.
[DIF] Selecting Difficulty See the first attached image for understanding Difficulty and Mode settings in this game. See the second for the color codes used in the game for Difficulty and Modes.
* Note : In game, if you switch to Normal-Phoenix, you actually can change it back to Casual mode. This is the only exception.
[AVA] Avatar Editing Screen For customizing your Avatar, see below:
Note: Hair Accessory is for female Avatars only . Specific screens for body type: Specific screen for hairstyle. (Note: This can be changed in the My Room area of My Castle)
Strong Points:
力持ち Has great power
頭が良い Is bright/intelligent
手先が器用 has good dexterity
素早い is fast
運が良い is lucky
打たれ強い able to take a beating
冷静沈着 calm and composed
健康 healthy
For weak points:
非力 lacks power
鈍感 thickheaded
ドジ prone to making mistakes
怠け者 lazy
運が悪い is unlucky
打たれ弱い can't take a beating
暴走しがち reckless
痛弱 frail
For qualities, I provide the various text so you can choose:
傭兵 Mercenary
盗賊 Bandit
侍 Samurai
鬼人 Oni
槍戦士 Lance Fighter
呪い師 Spellcaster
巫女 Priestess
天馬武者 Pegasus Warrior
弓使い Archer
竜戦士 Dragon Rider
忍 Shinobi
薬商人 Medicine Seller
魔道士 Mage
杖騎士 Rod Knight
騎士 Knight
重*騎士 Heavy Knight
斧戦士 Axe Fighter
After this it asks if you want to activate Streetpass data. Left is yes, right is no.
Then it asks if you want to receive data from Nintendo. Left = Yes, Right = No. It will always be this way.
[sAV] Save Screen
Below is the Save Screen as it appeared in the Nintendo Treehouse Live @E3 showcase.
You can see the lay out is:
Chapter ## Chapter Name — Game Time —
Avatar Name | Difficulty | Mode
Difficulty is listed by star count. 2 star makes this highlighted file Hard mode. 1 star is Normal , and 3 is Lunatic.
The second and third files show the chosen path on the left and right sides with a symbol. The second file is likely Nohr, and the third Hoshido.
Color codes will define what Mode it is. See the "Selecting Difficulty" section for info on that.
[PAT] Choosing a Path <Download / Special Edition Only>
When you reached Chapter 6, at the start you will eventually face this menu (see below). Checking either option will lead to a follow up menu describing the path (Hoshido's limitless experience and money gain versus Nohr's limited ones).
After you choose, you can play until the end of the chapter. It will then as you to download the content (if you have the downloaded version). You need to be connected to the internet. It's about ~850 blocks.
[COM] Command Options
This refers to when in a battle and the commands that appear on the side bar. All character based.
攻撃 - Attack
持ち物 - Items/Equipment
1-Unequip/Equip (Weapons) | Use (items)
物交換 - Trade (item)
人交換 - Trade (person)
輸送隊 Supply (when next to Kamui, can access supply)
待機 - Standby/Wait
杖 - Staff (for a unit that uses staves, can heal with this)
歌う - Sing (Aqua's ability)
会話 - Talk (usually to recruit)
訪問 - Visit (for a village)
交代 - Change (when paired, to change who is front)
降ろす - Drop (when paired, to break up pair)
壊す Break (to remove obstacles)
魔道砲合 Magic Artillery (used by magic users)
弓砲合 Bow Artillery (used by bow users)
竜脈 - Dragon Vein (used on special spaces)
[bAM] In-Battle Menu
This refers to the menu that activates when you push A over an empty space to bring up a menu.
部隊表 (Show Forces/Units)
指南 (Instruction/Tutorials)
環境 (Settings/Options) [sub menu covered in next section]
中断 (Suspend - Classic)
セーブ (Save - Casual)
終了 (End Turn)
In-Battle Options Menu
戦闘アニメ (Battle Animation)
This refers to the animation of when you attack/are attacked/get healed/dance/etc.There are some options avaliable!:
-オフ (Off)
- Turns them off completely.
-オン (On)
- Battles are on for all units.
-自ユニット (My units)
- Battles are only on for your units.
-自ターン (My turn)
- Battles are only on during Player Phase.
-個別 (Special Case)
- This will take you into a menu displaying your
units, with the options saying オフ (off) on the
left, and オン (on) on the right. Any character
that is "on" will show a battle, those off
will not.
杖・踊りアニメ (Staff/Dance Animation)
-This is specifically just the animation for dancing or utilizing the staff. There is only the オフ (off) オン (on) functions here rather than specifics like the above. Note that when you turn off animations, it turns this off as well, even if marked as "on."
ゲームスピード (Game Speed)
- This refers to the speed your units move on the map.
-手動 (Manual)
- This means that the unit will move slow, but if you
hold down A, they will go fast. You manually
control speed.
-普通 (Normal)
- The default (slower) speed.
-速い (Fast)
- The faster speed, you don't need to hold A down.
カメラ距離 (Camera Distance)
-This means the distance of the camera, or zoom on the map. The options are just different default zooms. It is much easier if you go on the map and just use the R button to adjust to a zoom of preference!
マップの角度変化 (Map Angle Change)
-This refers to whether or not the map should be auto-angled. The two options mean オフ (OFF) オン (ON).
AIのスキップ (AI Skip)
=This means skipping anything the AI does, be it move your units on auto move, or the entire enemy turn!
-オフ (Off)
- The default is "off" so you can see what they all do during
their turn.
-移動 (Movement)
- This refers to just their movement rather than attacks
as well. Meaning the movements will be skipped, but not
-すべて (All)
- This skips everything the enemy does, though it's generally
a good idea to keep an eye on what they do to plan out
your next turn!
敵範囲表示の固定 (Enemy "Fixing" Display )
-This refers to when you select an enemy with "A" to view the range. You can change it to limit it to their attack range, healing range, or both!
-攻撃のみ (View Attack)
- This is the default, enemy attack range will be
-杖のみ (View Staff)
- This will highlight enemy staff range, if any.
-すべて (All)
- This will highlight all, both attack and staff.
攻撃操作 (Attack Operations)
-This refers to how you attack a unit. There are two modes. They are not *too* different.
-アドバンス (Advanced)
- This means you will go to the game's default attack
menu, able to cycle through weapons with X and Y
and watch stats change.
-クラシック (Classic)
- This is called "Classic" since in previous Fire Emblem
games, when you move to attack a unit, you would
first select which weapon you want to attack with,
and then view the menu after you make the selection.
The "Advanced" simply skips that small part. Both
allow you to cycle through weapons in the second menu
チュートリアル (Tutorial)
- This is whether or not you want the Tutorials to automatically play. There is only the オフ (off) オン (on) options
情報表示 (Information Display)
=This refers to the unit information displayed on the bottom screen.
-通常 (Normal)
- This is the default unit information menu, which displays
everything the "Easy" menu below does, as well as with
stats. You can view the "Easy" display by pushing the
button in the top right (above the character sprite) on
the touch screen as well!
-かんたん (Easy)
- The "easy" display refers to the secondary menu that does
not display unit stats, just HP, movement, weapons,
skills, class, etc. The advanced display has the stats,
and the ability to toggle back to this one (by pushing
the button on the top right of the touch screen).
上級機能 (Advanced Entrust Command)
=This refers to the "Entrust" (おまかせ) command which moves unmoved units for you using the AI. It is an オン (on) オフ (off) option.
おまかせ確認 (Entrust Confirmation)
=This is just asking if you want confirmation when selecting the おまかせ (Entrust) option! It is an オン(on) オフ (off) option.
ターン終了確認 (Turn End Confirmation)
=This is off by default, but if turned on will ask for confirmation if you want to end turn! If you are thesort who may push "End Turn" by accident often, then this is for you! It is an オン (on) オフ (off) option.
自動ターン終了 (Automatic Turn End)
-If on (which it is by default), it means your turn will automatically end after all your units have moved, rather than having to manually push the button. It is an オン (on) オフ (off) option.
自動カーソル (Automatic Cursor)
-This means at the start of every turn, the cursor will be on your main unit. If off, it will be wherever you left it at the endof your turn. It is an オン (on) オフ (off) option.
スライドパッド (Slidepad)
-Referring to the Slidepad, there are two options you can pick that determine how it's used!
-アナログ (Analog)
- This allows you to move it diagonally and such too,
so eight directions. This is default.
-ヂジタル (Digital)
- This allows you to only move it like a D-Pad, four
HPゲージ (HP Gauge)
-This refers to the on map HP gauge. The bar you see next to your unit sprite, a very helpful tidbit for you to keep your unit health in mind!
BGM音量 (Music Volume)
-This is the volume of the background music. Slide it right to make it louder, left to make it quiet.
SE音量 (Sound Volume)
-This refers to sound effects, such as moving, menu, etc. Slide it right for louder, left for quieter.
システムSE音量 (System Sound Volume)
-This refers specifically to menu sounds. Slide it right for louder, left for quieter.
ボイス音量 (Voice Volume)
-This refers to character voices, such as in dialogue, or battle. Slide it right for louder, left for quieter.
会話イベントボイス (Event Voice)
-This refers to dialogue voices, critical hit, skill usage, etc. This is an オン (on) オフ (off) option.
スピーカーモード (Speaker Mode)
-This is an オン (on) オフ (off) option.
BGM変更 - (BGM change)
-This refers to changing the background music.
[CHA] Character Stats Screen
See the attached images below for a break down of one of the most important aspects of the game: The Character Stats Screen.
Note: Level 20 cap applies for the basic classes. Some special classes may exceed this.
A simplified stats screen with the translations right on the page. Some things unmarked, see above for specific descriptions.
[WPN] Reading Weapon Stats
When you highlight a weapon, you get a sub screen like this one. See below the attached image for the meanings:
WPN (Weapon) / Rank: The type of weapon (lance/sword/etc) and rank required to use it. You must have a D or higher to use this weapon, which in this case is a sword.
Might: Adds to strength (for a weapon) or magic (for a tome) for total attack power.
HIT%: Accuracy/chance of landing a hit.
CRT%: Chance of landing a critical hit.
EVD: Chance of evading a hit.
RNG (Range): Range of the equipped weapon.
[PRP] Battle Preparation Screen
Below is the Battle Preparation Screen as shown by the Nintendo Treehouse Live @E3 presentation. The layout is likely the same as the Japanese version.
Under "View Map," when you highlight a unit, the first option is to swap them. The second option allows you to start them paired up in Guard Stance.
[MAP] Chapter Map / Mission Objectives
Below is a screen shot of the Map Screen from the Treehouse Live @E3 demo.
As you can see, the top lists the mission objective. You will see the objectives listed below as I go through the game and mark them as they come.
List of Mission Objectives:
敵全滅 - Defeat All Enemies
制圧 - Capture (a highlighted point on the map)
敵将撃破 - Defeat Boss
Chapter number is followed by turn count, and the amount of units on the map are displayed. Blue likely ally, and red likely enemy. I am not sure if this is always the case, but for now it is.
The interface should be the same, but as usual if there are differences, I will update with the most relevant screenshot as soon as possible.
[OVM] Overworld Map
This refers to the World Map you see after you exit My Castle but before a chapter. Some of the options can be seen below.
##章 - Chapter number.
-Go to the next chapter.
竜の門 - Dragon's Gate.
-Go here for DLC. When pushed:
1 - Play DLC
2 - See DLC
3 - Quit
難易度変更 - Change Difficulty Setting.
-You can only change downward , and not change back.
1 - Normal
2 - Hard
3 - Lunatic
Then when you push either of those:
1 - Phoenix
2 - Casual
3 - Classic
防衛戦 - Defensive Battle
-Refers to a Defensive Battle (at "My Castle") waiting for you
外伝 - Sidequest
-Sidequests occasionally appear.
[ATK] Attack Screen
This refers to the screen you see before the attack which lists participants, damage, etc
This specific screen shows paired up allied units versus one enemy unit. Enemies are capable of pairing up as well, and in that case, the enemy will also have a second character and second set of numbers like the left side of the screen here.
The Y and X displayed over the Weapon on the left is to change to a different weapon. The ADV stands for "Advantage" as the Sword has an advantage over the Axe in the weapons triangle. Hence why the Axe has a DISADV next to it.
MT refers to damage that will be dealt. HIT refers to accuracy of the attacks. CRT refers to chance of an attack landing a critical hit. HP is Hit Points.
[VIC] Victory Screen
From the Nintendo Treehouse Live at E3 demonstration. A simple victory screen. It should mirror how the Japanese one looks translated.
[MCA] My Castle
All of the various "My Castle" menus will be here… needless to say, this will be a large section that may get it's own post eventually. For now I only have scattered pre-release shots to work with, so please see them below.
First is a general menu:
The section titled List of Supporters above is where you can buy skills from those you have registered on it.
Next is the Wireless Communications (通信)menu:
Visiting other MyCastles (some translations by Maurice):
Edited by Kirokan
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